Project Kit
From content discovery to validation and verification of acquired knowledge and skills, OS University shapes itself as the technology of choise for the next generation of learners. However, the project is more than just a piece of software.
Brief history
The OS University project dates back to 2015 and starts with the solid academic research of Hristian Daskalov and his colleagues from the Department of Industrial Engineering at the Technical University of Sofia. Scientific works on the subject were published in the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Latvia and Bulgaria.
A proof-of-concept phase was initiated in May 2015 in partnership with companies from the industrial sector and the software industry, resulting in early versions of system's design and architecture. By 2017, OS University was ranked by the Bulgarian Association for Information Technology (BAIT) among the top 3 IT projects in the country, led by young scientists and entrepreneurs.
As of 2019, the project has gained global recognition in the academic and startup communities as one of the leading ''blockchain for edtech'' endeavours, backed by public and research grants and successfully completed crowdfunding and seed funding rounds.

Management Board

Jordan Jambazov
Technology Lead
Leading the software development of the Open Source University project, Jordan is applying the Ethereum blockchain technology in order to enable academia, businesses and learners to connect and collaborate over a distributed platform with potential to revolutionize L&D and career development operations.

Momchil Jambazov
Design Lead
Digital designer, web developer and problem solver with over 10 years of experience in building websites, e-commerce and other digital experiences. Momchil is passionate about new technologies, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and strives to build a better and more beautiful web. His other passion is related to open education.

Hristian Daskalov
Research Lead
Leading the research behind OSU, Hristian has previously served in the team, which led a multi-billion dollar growth-oriented program at HPE and has participated in the governance of a wide range of transformation-related projects, ranging from the implementation of a major collaboration platform to the design of an award-winning corporate engagement program.

Dr. Peter Chung
Senior Board Member
A Vancouver-based entrepreneur with over 30 years of global experience in the fields of education, industry and real estate, Dr. Chung holds a Honorary Doctorate for his contributions to human welfare. His humanitarian and charitable works include supporting and serving on the boards of multiple foundations, institutions and social enterprises, including OSU.

Aly Madhavji
Senior Strategy Advisor
Aly Madhavji - the internationally acclaimed author behind “Your Guide to Succeed in University”, is the Founder and Former CEO of Global DCX, an innovative technology company, launching secure digital currency exchanges. As a leader of the Blockchain Founders Fund, he is an avid investor and a stratgic advisor in early stage, high-growth companies, such as OSU.
Featured in TV and online media
Logo Assets
Brand Colors
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HSL: 20.2, 87.2%, 53.9%
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RGB: 250,250,250
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CMYK: 0,0,0,2
HEX: #1a2c42 to #30336B
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CMYK: 61,33,0,74 to 55,52,0,58
HEX: #4eb96f
RGB: 78,185,111
HSL: 138.5, 43.3%, 51.6%
CMYK: 58,0,40,27
HEX: #f7cb33
RGB: 247,203,51
HSL: 46.5, 92.5%, 58.4%
CMYK: 0,18,79,3
HEX: #3498db
RGB: 52,152,219
HSL: 204.1, 69.9%, 53.1%
CMYK: 76,31,0,14