Anti-falsification and data connectivity solution
Our blockchain and smart contracts connect you to your counterparties worldwide, so you can transmit and transact educational data securely and reliably
Join the global standard for validation and verification of L&D credentials
About 30% of academic and professional qualifications are falsified worldwide*
* According to Dr George Brown, Academic director of the Think: Education Group, who helped draft a UNESCO statement discouraging university degree mills. The Sydney Morning HeraldWho is “Academia”?
Educational institutions, MOOC platforms, as well as stand-alone educators qualify for a profile
Reach new learners
Once you list an educational offering on the platform, we will help you distribute it globally
Issue trusted certificates
We offer one of the most cost-effecting ways to issue immutable digital credentials
Verify authenticity
Credentials, validated on the blockchain, become verifiable instantly at no cost

Request institutional integration
We are offering a simple and cost-effective way for educators to issue, store & verify digital credentials.
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